
What’s Up With “Hey Freelancer” ?

Hello! I know it’s been a minute since I last posted. As you can see, there have been some changes on the blog. Namely, my former site Cheapsters has undergone a bit of rebrand and new look. Why the change? Well, in recent years my content has been veering more toward helping freelancers with their […]

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Passion Projects

Give Yourself Permission to Suck

Lately I’ve been wanting to experiment with different things. Things I feel like I’m late to the game on. Like learning how to play the guitar, write music, make videos, record podcasts. While these things aren’t out of my reach, I know that there are a lot of people who have been at it for […]

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Freelancing Out of Necessity? Here’s Your Ultimate Game Plan

Freelancing can be pretty freakin’ awesome. But it can also suck hard, too. Having just hit my 15-month mark as full-time freelancer, I’ve realized how crucial it is to keep things together—and how easily things can fall apart. Freelancing is a funky hybrid of sorts. One one hand, you have have the freedom and flexibility […]

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On Coming to a Zen-Like Approach to Freelancing

As I’m nearing the end of my 8th month as a full-time freelancer, it’s hard to believe I’m two-thirds in to my yearlong experiment. Life has certainly been a little crazy, and I’ve slowly come to realize how much I’ve learned in the last eight months. I’ve learned a lot about managing my time and […]

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A Few Half-Truths About Freelancing

Now that I’m hitting my five-month mark as a full-time freelancer (yikes? hooray?), I’ve been reflecting about what I used to think freelancing would be like what it’s actually all about. You might even compare it to seeing something in a movie and then experiencing it in real life. For instance, daydreaming about, say, sliding […]

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The Freelancer’s Guide to the Galaxy

If you’re new to the world of self-employment, you may feel as if you’re stepping on alien terrain, not sure what you’ll face along the way. This infographic totally gets it. Created by the folks at FreshBooks, it captures the trials and tribulations that freelancers face after taking the leap. From what you need to prepare to […]

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